The Rise of Lift Tailing

The Rise of Lift Tailing

Recently there has been a rising number of talks about CBD apartments, even the secured ones, getting robbed. Intriguingly a search on google found no news about such robberies ever happened. So one would be left to ponder whether the talks we have been hearing about are all just rumours or they are true but being covered up in an attempt to avoid getting bad publicity and potentially lowering the sale price of the apartments.

Whether it is just a rumour or the truth, in this blog I am analysing the possibilities and what we can do to prevent such events. The list below is formatted in the way of what could happen and what measure could be taken to prevent it from happening. I have always been an advocate of preventive is better than a cure. And I am sure you would agree if in an extreme example: if you left your daughter alone in the apartment and the robber managed to sneak in to the unit and have his way with your daughter for a good five minutes before the security could rush in to save the day.

Sometimes, a good five minutes is enough to leave someone scarred forever.

Lobby Door

Robber: Ring up random numbers through the intercom pretending to be a pizza delivery.
Building: Nothing much we can do
Resident: Be vigilant, if you did not order pizza, don't accept, if you don't expect anyone don't accept either. If you are holding a big party and can't be sure who is caller, well, you have enough people and weapons to beat up the robber if he decides to show up anyway.

Robber: Walk casually in, pretending to be one of the resident.
Building: Apart from utilising secured swipe entry key, nothing can be done really.
Resident: Nothing much we can do.


Robber: Follow someone on a lift, pretending to be one of the resident of the same floor.
Building: Nothing can be done, apart from using CCTV as crime evidence.
Resident: Know your neighbours of the same floor will help. If you are being followed after walking out of the lift, stall yourself on the corridor, robbers are less likely to commit a crime in such a public area.

Robber: Climb up the emergency stairways to target's floor.
Building: Ensure the emergency doors can only be opened from one way.
Resident: Nothing much we can do.


Robber: Try all door handles on the floor.
Building: Nothing much we can do.
Resident: Make sure you always lock your door at all times.

Robber: Randomly knock the door and when someone opens the door, charged in (usually with weapons) and held the resident hostage.
Building: A peephole would help.
Resident: Do not open to any random door knocks if you are not expecting guests.


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