Realistic Scam and How to Detect Them
Background As our digital world has become more and more advanced, unfortunately so is the dark side of the digital world. New ways to con unknowing people such as ransom-ware virus and spear phishing are rampant. Even the good old scam has become more elaborated, just few days back I saw a security camera recording on ATM machine showing how two seemingly random strangers actually work together to swap a debit card and get pin code from the victim separately. In this article I am going to discuss another very common and can be highly elaborated and realistic Facebook scam. If you are interested with the ATM machine scam that I talked about, I have linked the video at the end of this article Facebook Scam Most of the Facebook scammers have a common goal: either to scam you for your money or blackmail you in anyway they can. Lately, the scam has become so much more elaborated and realistic that you could not tell whether the person is a scammer or genuine person. ...