Mocking JNDI calls for Unit Test

Mocking JNDI calls for Unit Test

Sometimes, on the rarer cases the properties data that usually drive a server based application resides in the JNDI calls instead of file. In such scenario, mocking the JNDI calls using Mockito or Powermock are inherently difficult. Luckily the Spring Framework provides a way to "mock" the context by using SimpleNamngContextBuilder.

By declaring the JNDI calls in a static method (because the Builder needs to be activated before any other autowiring could take place):

public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws Exception {
        SimpleNamingContextBuilder builder = new SimpleNamingContextBuilder();        
        builder.bind("sampleJndiKey", "sampleJndiiValue");

Here's a full sample:

public class TestIT {

    Environment env;

    static class ContextConfiguration {


    public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws Exception {
        SimpleNamingContextBuilder builder = new SimpleNamingContextBuilder();        
        builder.bind("sampleJndiKey", "sampleJndiValue");

    public void testJNDI() throws Exception {
        assertEquals("sampleJndiValue", env.getProperty("sampleJndiKey"));    


Happy mocking!


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