
Showing posts from December, 2020
Implementing gRPC Using Spring Boot and Gradle Background GRPC (gRPC) is a RPC framework pioneered by google later on made public and open source. GRPC has not been officially supported by Spring Framework, so far there are few community libraries that can work seamlessly with Spring Boot. In this article, I will use the lognet's grpc-spring-boot-starter. Project Structure Ideally, the proto files for gRPC is located in another directory, which will then be accessed by the gradle plugin to auto generate the required files.   Gradle Script The heart of gRPC enablement lies on the grpc boot starter, which includes few other tasks outlined as below. Few important note: first you have to run gradlew compileJava for the auto generation to generate the files from the proto file, then you will need to rebuild the project for Intellij to recognise the auto-generated files. Full demo: